the mission
this journey - that is, believing in something that doesn’t exist yet and bringing it into the physical reality - is not for the faint of heart, no matter how this path appears in your life. to say that it is challenging to have hope in your dreams and then taking action towards them is a massive understatement. it can leave you feeling lost, alone, overwhelmed, and perhaps even delusional. been there, done that, bought that t-shirt.
when i started my own journey of bringing my visions to life four years ago, i wished that i had someone to support me when it felt like everything was just a pipedream; to be my cheerleader as i navigated this path; and to help me design and build my reality so that my dreams could be experienced in the here and now. i hope to be that someone for you - you don’t have to do this alone. in fact, it would be my honor to be in service of your creative visions, a midwife to your dreams.
“what a privilege it is to love, a great honor to hold you up.”
sleeping at last, “two”
allison lorie werner
reality builder. midwife to dreams. visionary. healer. former architect and interior designer. usui shiki ryoho reiki level i practitioner.
button beaux werner
local celebrity. part-time model. full-time girlboss. master manifestor.
let’s collaborate!
please click the “apply” button below and fill out the form so that we can make sure that there is a great alignment between our shared goals, values, and skills before working together. i will be in touch soon!