
let’s make your dreams a reality!

but first…

please click the “apply” button below and fill out the form so that we can make sure that there is a great alignment between our shared goals, values, and skills before working together. i will be in touch soon!



whatever it is you want to design — your identity, your life, your business, any and all of your creative babies (i.e., endeavors) — call me your midwife. i’d be honored to assist, support, and cheerlead you on your journey, as well as provide guidance and lend my design expertise.

consulting (x4)


ready to commit? this package is great for those who are interested in diving deeper and bringing their dreams into their tangible reality. designed for weekly virtual meetings to keep you steadily progressing towards the birth (or, alternatively, actualization) of your creative babies.

the studio experience


explore the ideas, principles, practices, and methods of designing your reality and apply them to your unique creative project. this one-on-one course will take you through the entire design process over the course of three months, and, along the way, we’ll create physical artifacts (e.g., drawings, models, written works, etc.) that help you visualize and achieve your desired outcome.

about our services…

you may be asking, “what is involved?” or “who are these services for?” well, the below videos were created to give you clarity before entering into this journey with us. if you have a question that was not answered in the videos, please reach out to; we would be happy to help!

mentioned in video: design portfolio